In unserem Lexikon erklären wir Begriffe aus der Welt der Apps, Software-Entwicklung, künstlicher Intelligenz und mehr. Klicken Sie auf einen Begriff, um mehr zu erfahren.
- ➤.htaccess
- ➤5G
- ➤A/B-Testing
- ➤Above-the-Fold
- ➤Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)
- ➤Accessibility
- ➤Add-On
- ➤Adversarial Training
- ➤AdWords
- ➤Agile Entwicklung
- ➤AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML)
- ➤Algorithmus
- ➤Alt-Attribut
- ➤Alt-Tag
- ➤Anchor-Text
- ➤Apache
- ➤API (Application Programming Interface)
- ➤API-Design
- ➤API-Dokumentation
- ➤API-Endpunkt
- ➤API-Key
- ➤API-Sicherheit
- ➤API-Tests
- ➤APK (Android Package Kit)
- ➤App
- ➤App Performance Optimization (APO)
- ➤App Security
- ➤App Store Optimization (ASO)
- ➤App Store Rejection
- ➤App-Analytics
- ➤App-Analytics-SDK
- ➤App-Backend
- ➤App-Beta-Testing
- ➤App-Crash
- ➤App-Deep-Linking
- ➤App-Deployment
- ➤App-Discovery
- ➤App-Icon
- ➤App-Indexing
- ➤App-Insights
- ➤App-Localization
- ➤App-Maintenance
- ➤App-Monetization
- ➤App-Offline-Mode
- ➤App-Permissions
- ➤App-Prototyping
- ➤App-Push-Notifications
- ➤App-Sandboxing
- ➤App-Screenshots
- ➤App-Store-Algorithmus
- ➤App-Store-Listing
- ➤App-Store-Rating
- ➤Apple
- ➤Asana
- ➤Augmented Reality (AR)
- ➤Backend
- ➤Backlink
- ➤Backup
- ➤Bandbreite
- ➤Big Data
- ➤Black-Hat-SEO
- ➤Black-List
- ➤Blindtext
- ➤Blockchain
- ➤Blog
- ➤Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
- ➤Bootstrap
- ➤Bounce-Rate
- ➤Breadcrumb
- ➤Broken-Link
- ➤Browser
- ➤Browser-Cache
- ➤Browser-Kompatibilität
- ➤Bug
- ➤Bundler
- ➤Cache
- ➤CakePHP
- ➤Call-to-Action (CTA)
- ➤CDN (Content Delivery Network)
- ➤ChatGPT
- ➤Client
- ➤Client-Server-Architektur
- ➤Cloud
- ➤Cloud Security
- ➤Cloud-Backup
- ➤Cloud-Migration
- ➤Cloud-Orchestration
- ➤Cloud-Service-Provider
- ➤Cloud-Storage
- ➤Cluster
- ➤CodeIgniter
- ➤Commit
- ➤Compiler
- ➤Compliance
- ➤Composer-PHP
- ➤Contao
- ➤Content Management System (CMS)
- ➤Content-Marketing
- ➤Continuous Delivery (CD)
- ➤Continuous Deployment (CD)
- ➤Continuous Integration (CI)
- ➤Conversion
- ➤Conversion-Optimierung
- ➤Conversion-Rate
- ➤Cookie
- ➤Cookie-Banner
- ➤CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing)
- ➤Crawler
- ➤Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
- ➤CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
- ➤CSS-Framework
- ➤Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
- ➤Datenbank
- ➤Datenschutz
- ➤Debugging
- ➤Deep Learning
- ➤Dependency Injection
- ➤Digital Natives
- ➤Django
- ➤Docker
- ➤Domain
- ➤Double-Opt-in
- ➤Drag-and-Drop
- ➤Edge-Computing
- ➤Embedded Systems
- ➤ER-Diagramm (Entity-Relationship-Diagramm)
- ➤Factory Pattern
- ➤FIFO-Prinzip
- ➤Firewall
- ➤Flat-Design
- ➤Framework
- ➤Frontend
- ➤FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
- ➤Fullscreen-Background
- ➤Funktionsorientiertes Design
- ➤Fuzzifizierung
- ➤Gantt-Diagramm
- ➤Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN)
- ➤Generative Pre-training Transformer (GPT)
- ➤Geo-Targeting
- ➤Gestensteuerung
- ➤GIF
- ➤Git
- ➤GitHub
- ➤GitLab
- ➤Google AdSense
- ➤Google AdWords
- ➤Google Analytics
- ➤Google Charts
- ➤Google Maps
- ➤Google PageRank
- ➤Google PageSpeed
- ➤Graph Convolutional Networks (GCN)
- ➤Hamburger-Menü
- ➤Hashtag
- ➤Hero-Image
- ➤Heroku
- ➤Hosting
- ➤HTML-Canvas
- ➤HTML-Flexbox
- ➤HTML-Formulare
- ➤HTML-Grid-Layout
- ➤HTML-IFrame
- ➤HTML-Validation
- ➤HTML5
- ➤HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
- ➤HTTP-Statuscode
- ➤Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
- ➤Hybrid-App
- ➤In-App-Purchases
- ➤Influencer-Marketing
- ➤Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)
- ➤Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
- ➤Interactive Design
- ➤Internet der Dinge (IoT)
- ➤Interpreter
- ➤IP-Adresse
- ➤Issue-Tracking
- ➤Java
- ➤JavaScript
- ➤JavaScript-Bibliothek
- ➤JavaScript-Framework
- ➤Jira
- ➤jQuery
- ➤JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
- ➤Kanban
- ➤Kernel
- ➤Key-Value-Store
- ➤Keyword
- ➤Keyword-Dichte
- ➤Keyword-Optimierung
- ➤Keyword-Recherche
- ➤Künstliche Intelligenz (KI)
- ➤Landing-Page
- ➤Laravel
- ➤Large Language Model (LLM)
- ➤Latenz
- ➤Lead
- ➤Leadgenerierung
- ➤Linkaufbau
- ➤Load-Balancer
- ➤Loading-Animation
- ➤Local Storage
- ➤Log-File
- ➤Loss-Funktion
- ➤Machine Learning
- ➤Material Design
- ➤Media-Queries
- ➤Meta-Tags
- ➤Middleware
- ➤Migration
- ➤Mikrointeraktionen
- ➤Minimalismus
- ➤Mixed-Reality (MR)
- ➤Mobilfunknetz
- ➤Mockup
- ➤Model-Fine-Tuning
- ➤MVC (Model-View-Controller)
- ➤MySQL
- ➤Native App
- ➤Neuronales Netzwerk
- ➤NFC
- ➤Node.js
- ➤Nofollow-Link
- ➤NoSQL
- ➤Off-Page-SEO
- ➤Offline-first
- ➤On-Page-SEO
- ➤Online-Shop
- ➤Open Street Maps (OSM)
- ➤Open-Source
- ➤OpenAI
- ➤ORM (Object-Relational Mapping)
- ➤Overfitting
- ➤Parallax-Scrolling
- ➤Permalink
- ➤PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor)
- ➤Pixel
- ➤Platform as a Service (PaaS)
- ➤Private-Cloud
- ➤Progressive Web App (PWA)
- ➤Projektbudget
- ➤Projektdokumentation
- ➤Projektmanagement
- ➤Projektzeitplan
- ➤Public-Cloud
- ➤Push-Benachrichtigungen
- ➤Python
- ➤QR-Code
- ➤Qualitätsmanagement
- ➤Quantisierung
- ➤Queue
- ➤React
- ➤React Native
- ➤Reinforcement Learning (RL)
- ➤Relaunch
- ➤Replikation
- ➤Repository
- ➤Responsive Design
- ➤REST (Representational State Transfer)
- ➤Retina-Ready
- ➤Risikomanagement
- ➤Robots.txt
- ➤Screenshot
- ➤Scrum
- ➤Sensoren
- ➤Server-side Rendering (SSR)
- ➤Service Level Agreement (SLA)
- ➤Session
- ➤Session-Storage
- ➤Single-Page-Application (SPA)
- ➤Singleton-Pattern
- ➤Sitemap
- ➤Smart City
- ➤Smart Factory
- ➤Smart-Devices
- ➤Smart-Home
- ➤Smartphone
- ➤Social-Bookmarking
- ➤Software Development Kit (SDK)
- ➤Software-Architektur
- ➤Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)
- ➤Software-Entwicklungsprozess
- ➤Software-Entwurfsmuster
- ➤Software-Release
- ➤Software-Test
- ➤Software-Test-Automatisierung
- ➤Software-Test-Strategie
- ➤Software-Versionierung
- ➤Software-Wartung
- ➤Softwarebibliothek
- ➤SOTA (State of the Art)
- ➤Spam
- ➤Sprachentwicklungsumgebung (IDE)
- ➤Spring-Framework
- ➤SQL (Structured Query Language)
- ➤SQL-Injection
- ➤SSH (Secure Shell)
- ➤SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)
- ➤Static Typing
- ➤Storyboard
- ➤Storytelling
- ➤Suchmaschinenoptimierung (SEO)
- ➤Supervised Learning
- ➤Symfony
- ➤Tablet
- ➤Template-Engine
- ➤TensorFlow
- ➤Test-Coverage
- ➤Test-Driven Development (TDD)
- ➤Testfall
- ➤Testplan
- ➤Testumgebung
- ➤Touchscreen
- ➤Transfer Learning
- ➤Trello
- ➤TypeScript
- ➤TYPO3
- ➤Underfitting
- ➤Unit-Test
- ➤URL (Uniform Resource Locator)
- ➤User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
- ➤User Experience (UX)
- ➤User-Generated Content (UGC)
- ➤Version-Control
- ➤View
- ➤Virales Marketing
- ➤Virtual Private Network (VPN)
- ➤Virtual Private Server (VPS)
- ➤Virtual Reality (VR)
- ➤Vue.js
- ➤Wearables
- ➤Web 2.0
- ➤Web 3.0
- ➤Web 4.0
- ➤Web 5.0
- ➤Web Application Firewall (WAF)
- ➤Web-App
- ➤Web-Components
- ➤Web-Workers
- ➤Webdesign
- ➤Webhook
- ➤Webpack
- ➤WebRTC
- ➤Webseite
- ➤WebSocket
- ➤Webstandards
- ➤White-Hat-SEO
- ➤Wireframe
- ➤WordPress
- ➤Xcode
- ➤XML (Extensible Markup Language)
- ➤Zigbee