Kuatsu Logo

Strong customer loyalty through impressive apps.

As an app agency from Frankfurt, we plan, design and develop highly scalable mobile and web apps for maximum user and customer satisfaction.

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We are full-time problem solvers and UX enthusiasts.

Whether you want to simplify existing processes and increase customer loyalty or launch a new digital user experience on the market: There is a good chance that we have already solved your problem with our proven framework for developing high-performance and user-oriented apps.

I have concerns about the success of my idea.

With several years of experience not only as freelancers but also as founders and entrepreneurs, we know what matters. Through an Orientation Sprint and the implementation of an MVP, we can thoroughly test your idea – even before much time and money has been wasted.
Through quick implementation and the ability to test the product with real users in an early phase as part of User Tests, we can evaluate the success prospects of your idea with you and make concept adjustments during the project thanks to an agile approach.

I lack the necessary know-how in-house.

As a small boutique agency, we are not just a service provider but your partner throughout the entire project. We either work with your team or offer you a complete solution that allows you to fully focus on scaling and your core business.
Through our wide network of experts, we can also assist you with the implementation of websites, marketing, and branding measures, as well as provide strategic advice to support you.

My users are dissatisfied with the current user experience.

The excellent user experience and intuitive usability of our apps is no coincidence. Our young team has grown up with your target audience and knows what a great user journey entails.
Through an orientation sprint and further agile developments based on current user feedback, we will create an app that excites your users together with you.

My processes are inefficient and costly.

Apps do not always have to offer advantages for an end user but are also excellent for simplifying internal processes and drastically reducing costs.
Using our proven and validated framework, we work with you to develop appropriate measures. We consider not only the technical feasibility but also the economic sense.
By implementing an MVP, it is possible to evaluate and optimize the effects of digitalized processes at an early stage.

Why we should develop your app.

Experience and expertise - not just as a service provider.

Our collective of freelancers brings decades of combined experience in the design and development of apps. Our founder Max brings additional experience as CTO of disruptive, fast-growing start-ups and knows the challenges of app development from the corporate side.

Experience and expertise - not just as a service provider.

High tech that works.

Many long-established agencies use the same technologies they used 10 years ago - at the expense of project time and budget. We know what is important for your app and build a more scalable, high-performance and often more cost-effective solution. And at record speed.

Full transparency, personal contact.

We are a small boutique agency where you are not fobbed off with a sales manager. Your personal account manager is directly involved in the implementation and ensures communication at eye level. We also enable you to actively participate in the course of the project through regular updates.

Apps that inspire.

The success stories of our customers speak for themselves. Apps from our agency inspire thousands of users every day. For us, user experience and intuitiveness are not just empty words, but values that we live by.

We won't leave you out in the rain.

Our service does not stop even after the successful launch of your app. We support you with the maintenance, further development and optimization of your app and are available to advise you at any time.

Successes to date.


Doctor visits. But digital and uncomplicated.

Mobile App DevelopmentStrategic ConsultingUI DesignUX DesignWeb App DevelopmentWordPress

How can a doctor visit be digitized to make it simpler, more comfortable, and stress-free? We addressed this question together with TeleDoctor24 and developed a fully digital hub for patients where they can consult with doctors and receive and redeem legally binding electronic prescriptions.

TeleDoctor24 Logo


Mobile App Development

Every year, up to 3,000 marine mammals, mostly seals, get into distress on the Schleswig-Holstein coast. The phone reporting process with the police has been lengthy and error-prone until now.

For the implementation of Robben.App, we were responsible for the technical implementation in collaboration with Essenberger Design. Not only was the reporting process digitized and users made aware of the correct behavior, but also valuable minutes to hours were saved in locating the animal. A real benefit for finders, seal hunters, and animals.

Robben.App Logo


Mobile App DevelopmentWeb App Development

On behalf of kitz.kommunikation GmbH, we undertook the technical implementation of the new online vision checks ("Seh-Check") for the web portal seh-check.de of the Kuratorium Gutes Sehen e.V., and shortly thereafter as a native smartphone app. Users can obtain an initial assessment of their visual acuity through several available vision checks.

Seh-Check-App Logo


Create free online wish lists.

Mobile App DevelopmentWeb App Development

With okurimono., users can easily create wish lists and then send them to friends and family. The development focused particularly on intuitive UX, as well as a high level of data protection and security. The refinancing is done through affiliate marketing.

okurimono. Logo

chat & talk

The app for real conversations.

Mobile App DevelopmentUX Design

chat & talk is the bridge between the virtual and real world. With a clever, innovative social media concept, the communication barrier from the smartphone to the real world is to be broken. We took over the complete realization of the project, including development up to the launch.

chat & talk Logo

Frequently asked questions.

Why should I work with you?

We are not a traditional software agency. Kuatsu is a small boutique agency that operates as a collective of experienced freelancers and young talents. Our team largely grew up with the internet and apps and speaks the same language as your target audience.

Through our lean development approaches, our proven framework, and our specialization in developing modern apps, we can often execute projects faster, more efficiently, and more cost-effectively than traditional agencies. As a result, we ensure simpler processes, reduced costs, and, last but not least, satisfied customers and users.

What sizes of companies do you work with?

Our agency's history spans working with startups, small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and large corporations. We have collaborated with numerous companies from various fields, allowing us to gain valuable experience in many diverse industries.

We are confident that we are the right partner for your project as well.

What technologies do you work with?

During development, we use TypeScript, React, React Native, Node.js, PostgreSQL, Docker, and the Cloud, among others.

While other non-specialized agencies may use these technologies and libraries within the ecosystem, we are active contributors to the open-source community. The foundations on which apps are developed partly originate from our own efforts. In addition to an extensive network of developers, this also allows us to tailor code more individually to your needs.

How long does it take to develop an app?

The exact duration of the project depends on numerous individual factors. While a small MVP without complex logic can often be launched within a few weeks, the development of a larger app with external interfaces, complex algorithms, and diverse data structures can often take several months.

However, we would be happy to advise you about the possibilities and the individual challenges of your project during an initial consultation.

What costs are to be expected for app development?

Just like the project duration, the costs for developing an app are highly individual and therefore hard to answer with a flat rate. As an initial guide, however, you can use our App Cost Calculator. By answering a few questions, you will get an initial rough price range. During a non-binding initial consultation, we can provide you with a more detailed analysis of effort and costs tailored to your project.

What happens after the launch?

Even after a successful launch, we won't leave you alone. We are happy to support you with the continuous optimization and further development of your product and are there for you after the launch with advice and assistance. We are interested in building long-term partnerships and look forward to a successful collaboration.

Opinions and thoughts.

App Icon Cover
October 8, 2024

How to Harness the Full Potential of Dark App Icons in iOS 18

A few days ago, iOS 18 was released, and for app publishers and agencies, the annual update chaos begins. In this blog post, we want to focus on one of the new features: the new design possibilities for app icons. WHAT CHANGES DOES IOS 18 BRING FOR APP ICONS? With iOS 18, users have more generous options to customize their iPhone's home screen. This includes, among other things, the color custo…

Robert Katzki Jbtf M0 X Be Rc Unsplash
July 28, 2024

Cultural Significance of Colors: A Guide

Colors are not only an essential part of design, but they also often carry a deep cultural significance that can vary from region to region. For a designer in the West, pitfalls that arise when working with certain colors in international brand messages are often not immediately apparent. In an increasingly globalized world, it is therefore essential to understand the cultural connotations of colo…

Eine Frau plant die User Journey einer App als Skizze auf Papier.
January 24, 2024

Want To Have an App Developed? Here's How.

Developing and publishing an app is no easy task. There are numerous pitfalls to consider, starting well before the actual development begins. With proper preparation, you can ensure that the process runs faster, safer, and more smoothly for both you and the agency you hire. Even if (at least we hope!) you have been completely convinced of your app idea for weeks and can hardly wait to get started…

React-Logo auf abstraktem Hintergrund
January 6, 2024

App Development with React Native: Pros and Cons

In recent years, a lot has changed in the field of app development. Gone are the days when apps had to be developed separately for each operating system to be supported. Hybrid apps are the new trend. For good reason: Hybrid development saves enormous amounts of time, costs, and other resources. The vast majority of apps that leave our app agency are developed in React Native. Many clients ask us:…

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Enough about us. Let's talk about your project in a 30-minute call and work out solutions together.

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