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January 24, 20248 minutes reading time

Want To Have an App Developed? Here's How.

Eine Frau plant die User Journey einer App als Skizze auf Papier.

Developing and publishing an app is no easy task. There are numerous pitfalls to consider, starting well before the actual development begins. With proper preparation, you can ensure that the process runs faster, safer, and more smoothly for both you and the agency you hire. Even if (at least we hope!) you have been completely convinced of your app idea for weeks and can hardly wait to get started, it's important to understand that the developer must also fully understand your idea. Therefore, it is of absolute importance that your idea has already taken on a clear form and structure to prevent costly misunderstandings later. What you need to keep in mind before the initial meeting with the app development agency is explained in this article.

Conceptual and Technical Feasibility

If you have designed a solution for a problem that you wish to bring to potential users in the form of an app, you should first think about two fundamental things:

  1. Can the concept be reconciled with guidelines, laws, etc.?
  2. Is the technical feasibility given?

Although you will usually discuss both of these questions, especially the second, in the initial meeting with the developer, it is important to think about them beforehand.

Both the App Store and the Google Play Store have a long list of guidelines that apps must fulfill to be distributed in these stores. Unfortunately, some ideas and concepts fall through the cracks even before development begins. A first point of reference should be the App Store Review Guidelines by Apple. According to experience, Apple is much stricter in reviewing new apps than Google, so it can generally be assumed that an app that is approved for the App Store will also be approved for the Google Play Store. Therefore, it’s worth studying the App Store Review Guidelines before further planning to identify possible problems with the developed concept. A professional app agency is well-versed in these guidelines and will let you know during the initial meeting whether the idea is feasible or if conceptual adjustments need to be made. After all, it is better if potential guideline violations are uncovered before development begins to avoid large costs and later disappointment.

Even if you may not have a large technical understanding, you should at least try to visualize the complete user journey of your app to identify potential technical feasibility issues. Whether and to what extent an app can actually be technically implemented in the end, your developer will of course answer this for you - but it pays off if you already have a rough overview of the possible peculiarities of your app from a user perspective before contacting them.

Native, Hybrid, or perhaps Web App?

The possibilities of how an app can be developed have multiplied in recent years. This is not least positive for you: Whereas apps used to have to be developed natively for all desired operating systems separately, today, technologies like hybrid apps make it possible to have an app developed in a fraction of the time and with a much smaller budget. But not every app is suitable for development as a hybrid app. Let's start - without getting too deep into details - from the beginning:

Native Apps

A native app is an app specifically developed for an operating system, such as iOS. An app developed natively for iOS will not work on Android. If the app is to be offered to Android users as well, it must therefore be developed twice. Compared to hybrid or web apps, this is initially a gigantic disadvantage (see below) - but native apps certainly have their justification. Especially for apps that rely heavily on performance, development as a native app is recommended. Only this way can an app be tailored to 100% to the respective operating system. The code of your app runs without an intermediate layer and communicates directly with the operating system. Natively developed apps are therefore by far the fastest and most performant (as long as the developer knows what they are doing! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯). Despite all of this, native apps make up by far the smallest portion of the apps that leave our app agency.

Web Apps

A web app is essentially an app that runs on the web. Such an app doesn’t necessarily have to be distributed through the smartphone app store. If you visit, for instance, twitter.com on your computer, you are using a web app. If an app is to work completely independently of the device used and does not need access to specific smartphone functions such as push notifications and background actions, a web app is indeed a reasonable choice. Users can use it from virtually any device.

It is also theoretically possible to "package" a web app as a mobile app and distribute it through the app store. But caution is advised here: While this was long common practice (before there were hybrid apps) to avoid the relatively high development costs of native apps, packaged web apps are now generally unwelcome in the two major app stores. Thus, aside from very few exceptions, you cannot publish a mobile app that simply displays a web browser with a web app in the app store. And in any case, we generally advise against such an endeavor: Since the app ultimately runs in a simple web browser, performance is extremely poor compared to the other options. Even a layperson can clearly distinguish such an app from a properly optimized native or hybrid app for smartphones.

To clarify this once again: Of course, all this does not apply if you do not plan to distribute the app in the app store. If you deliberately want the app to run in a web browser and accept certain limitations such as missing hardware functions and lower performance on smartphones, a web app is an excellent and not least very inexpensive way to develop an app.

Hybrid Apps

When it comes to smartphone apps, hybrid apps are by far the type of apps we develop most as an agency. And for a good reason: Hybrid apps combine the performance and access to hardware functions of native apps with the easy and cost-effective development of web apps. Hybrid apps are developed only once and can then be "converted" to a native app for both major smartphone operating systems (iOS and Android). This technology is long past its infancy: Hybrid apps developed with modern frameworks like React Native or Flutter are hardly distinguishable from "true" native apps. It’s also effortlessly possible to utilize nearly every operating system functionality and hardware feature of modern smartphones. Although native apps still have the performance lead slightly, the difference is unnoticeable for over 90% of apps. We've written a comprehensive article, including pros and cons, on our agency favorite, React Native for you.

We will advise you on this question in-depth in a non-binding initial consultation - but it makes sense to think about it in advance. Where do I want to distribute my app at all? In the app store, or is a web app enough? Does my app need access to certain hardware functions like GPS? Does it perform complex calculations requiring a high level of performance? If you already have a rough idea of these questions, it helps the developer enormously in assessing your project.

Making Money with Your App

Two questions you should definitely ask yourself before starting your app project:

  1. How will my app become successful, or how do I get users to use it?
  2. How do I make money with my app?

Although, of course, it doesn’t always have to be about making money, and you might just want to implement a passion project: Developing an app is often an expensive endeavor, and you should consider whether and how you can at least recoup the costs. There are virtually endless possibilities for this. Besides more or less "universal" possibilities like banner advertising, digital products and subscriptions (premium features) can often play an important role. And even if you are presumably completely convinced of your app's concept, unfortunately, a good idea alone is not enough in most cases: Users must also find your app and remain attached to it long-term. This opens up completely new fields, which you will be comprehensively advised on during the initial consultation with your app agency. However, it is worthwhile to have the concept largely worked out and also have a plan on hand for the time after development on how to get the app to the audience.

Development Process

There's a high chance that your app idea is your first project of this kind. There are therefore countless new things to know. Perhaps you're wondering how the development process of an app actually looks.

Before the actual development begins, the concept is first discussed and perfected together during an initial meeting. Particular attention is paid to the individual challenges in your project and solution options are proposed. Once the concept is watertight, you receive an offer. Depending on whether you already have an app design or need help with publication, this offer includes various services. Then, if such a thing doesn't yet exist, the app's design is developed. Wireframes, or very rough sketches, of the app are usually created first. These are initially meant to convey the basic layout and user journey, i.e., how users will navigate through the app. This can then lead to a finished UI design. The designer is in close consultation with you to ensure that the app fully meets your requirements and wishes. Once the UI design is also finished, there usually comes a kickoff meeting, in which any remaining open questions and the further concrete proceedings are discussed.

Once everything is planned and discussed, the actual development can begin. This is usually done in so-called "sprints": A certain number of functions or tasks are completed in a period of, for example, 14 days. At the end of such a sprint, there is a sprint review, during which the participants evaluate the results of the sprint together and determine the tasks for the next sprint. This way, your app is created piece by piece, and you can follow the progress closely. Once the app's development reaches a certain point, a test version is provided to you. At this stage, the app is not yet distributed through the app store but through designated test programs, allowing you to install the preview version of your app on your device.

At the end of the successful development is the publication. Besides the app itself, numerous other pieces of information, such as descriptions, screenshots, and meta-information, are required. It's worth working with an experienced agency here, which can tell you what's required besides the app itself to successfully publish your personal app from the start of the conception and development process.

Conclusion: Having an App Developed

In this article, you have likely been overwhelmed with new information. However, do not worry: A professional app developer or app agency will guide you through every step of app development. Only this way is successful development and publication possible. If you want to take some work off of your service provider's plate and ensure clearer structures, it is worth preparing for the questions described in this article.